Therapeutics: Anti-Parkinson's

In our first podcast back from our Easter Holidays our favourite pharmacist Kunal Gohil joined us in the booth to tackle anti-Parkinson's medications.  Expect the usual blend of physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology as well as Jamie showing off his rapid Googling skills. 

Here is the Take Visually for this episode:


If, like Jamie, you also struggle with the anticholinergic toxidrome here is a useful cartoon from Life in the Fast Lane:


Therapeutics: Anticoagulants

In this podcast Kunal Gohil joined us in the recording booth to take us through anticoagulants.  

Kunal talks about the clotting cascade (simplified) as well as:

  • Heparins
  • Coumarins
  • DOACs
  • Fundoparinux
  • Thrombolytics

As ever Kunal shares his great knowledge including the reason why warfarin might actually increase your risk of clot!

This is the Take Visually for this episode:

Therapeutics: Antiplatelets

Kunal Gohil made his way down to the pod to talk us through antiplatelet treatment in the first of two podcasts on Antithrombotics.

The focus is on Aspirin and Clopidogrel but we also cover Prasugrel and Ticagrelor.  

Here is the CHA2DS2VASc Score for Stroke Risk in Atrial Fibrillation as mentioned in this episode.  

Here is the HAS-BLED Score for assessing bleeding risk before starting anti-coagulation in atrial fibrillation.

Remember: antiplatelets have NO role in atrial fibrillation.

Here is the Take Visually for this episode:


Therapeutics: Asthma

In this episode our favourite Pharmacist Kunal Gohil joined us again to talk us through the treatment of Asthma.  

Here is the full British Thoracic Society Guidelines for Asthma (the guidelines this podcast is based on are on page 78).

Don't forget to check out our Take Aurally Asthma episode for more information on Asthma and its acute management.

And here is our Take Visually for treating Asthma:

Therapeutics: Hypertension

In our first Therapeutics special our NUH ED Pharmacist Kunal Gohil came down to discuss the treatment of Hypertension.  Kunal had previously joined us to discuss the role of the ED Pharmacist.

The guidelines discussed are NICE CG127.

ACE Inhibitors end in 'pril' - such as Ramipril

Angiotension II Receptor Blockers end in 'sartan' - such as Candesartan

Peripheral Calcium Channel Blockers end in 'pine' - such as Amlodipine

Central Non-Dihydropyridine - e.g. Verapamil and Diltiazem

Beta Blockers end in 'lol' - such as Bisoprolol

Here is the Take Visually for this podcast: